Faith leaders
You’re called to serve the community—to love and care for all.
The community members who often need your support the most are people who use drugs. Just as you guide them to spiritual health, you can help guide them to physical health by supporting harm reduction programs. Harm reduction is rooted in the premise that all lives are worth saving, and harm reduction services provide people who use drugs with the tools and resources to keep them safe. Many of these resources can be accessed through syringe services programs, or SSPs.
Your community trusts you. Use your voice to help people who use drugs receive the care they need.
Every life is worth saving, including the lives of people who use drugs. Harm reduction services reduce the spread of diseases like HIV and hepatitis C. They also work to prevent overdoses, help save lives, and protect the most vulnerable in our community.
It’s not up to us to judge others. Our job is to love our neighbors—wherever they are on their journey. Harm reduction cares for the whole person by connecting them to tools and treatment options that keep them safer and protect their health until they are ready or able to stop using drugs.
We can pray for safety and healing in our community. But we can also make sure our community has access to harm reduction services like SSPs. By saving lives with naloxone, preventing the spread of disease through testing and care, and reducing the presence of discarded needles in our community through safe disposal programs, harm reduction programs protect people who use drugs as well as the public, firefighters, paramedics, and law enforcement.
Harm reduction services are rooted in love and show that we cherish every person in our community. Supporting harm reduction gives people hope that their community cares and has not given up on them.
Community conversations
Hear from fellow faith leaders about the difference harm reduction programs can make in communities.
Want to help spread the word?
Kevin Mackey
St. Paul Huntington
Necia Freeman
Backpacks & Brown Bags